发布时间: 2015-04-12 浏览次数: 13139

姓 名赵红梅

性 别:女


职 称:教授






2017.8-2018.8,美国爱荷华州立大学地质与大气系(Geography and Atmospheric department),访问学者

2013.7-2014.2,香港理工大学土木及环境工程学系(Department of Civil and Envrionmental Engineering),访问学者





1. Deng Z, Zhao H*, Li L, Liu G, Lin H, Devlin AT. 2023. The climate adaptive 13characteristics of urban inside/outside water bodies based on their cooling effect in Poyang and Dongting lake regions, China. Heliyon. 9(5):e15974. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e15974. PMCID: PMC10192542 (SCI检索, JCR 2).

2. Hongmei Zhao. 2019. Impact factors of daytime variation for broadband land surface emissivity of concrete road, 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings (IGARSS 2019): 1829 - 1832 (EI 检索,978-1-5386-9154-0/19/)

3. Hongmei Zhao, Xiaoling ChenZhan Zhang, Yuyu Zhou. 2019. Exploring an efficient sandy barren index for rapid mapping of sandy barren land from Landsat TM/OLI images, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, Vol.80: 38-46. DOI10.1016/j.jag.2019.04.001; PII: S0303-2434(19)30070-4 (SCI检索 一区top)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2019.04.001(被引8)

4. Hongmei Zhao, Yuyu Zhou, Xiaoma Li, Chunyan Liu & Xiaoling Chen. 2019. The influence of wind speed on infrared temperature in impervious surface areas based on in situ measurement data, GIScience & Remote Sensing, 56(6): 843-863 DOI: 10.1080/15481603.2019.1572322 (SCIJCR 1区,中科院2区,被引2)

5. Zhao Hongmei, Yeqiao Wang, Bing Xu, Xiaoling Chen, Zhiyong Jiang. 2018. Exploring an efficient habitat index for predicting population and abundance of migratory birds in Poyang Lake Wetland, South China, Acta Ecologica Sinica, Volume 38(6):381-390 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chnaes.2018.04.004)(被引5次)

6.  蒋文君,赵红梅,唐豪.2017.鄱阳湖地表干旱与城市表面热岛的关系研究,华中师范大学学报(自然科学版),Vol.51(4): 555-561(通讯作者)

7.  赵红梅, 陈晓玲, 徐冰, 冯炼. 2017. 年内水热条件变化对冬候鸟数量时空分布特征的影响机制, 生态学报,  Vol.37(8):1-102828-2837(DOI: https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201512272581)

8. Tang Linling, Chen Xiaoling, Wang Jianing, Zhao Hongmei*, Huang Qiting. 2014. A study of the Coupling Relationship Between Concrete Surface Temperature and Concrete Surface Emissivity under Natural Conditions, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Vol.34, No.8, 1736-1741(汤林玲,陈晓玲,王嘉宁,赵红梅. 2014. 自然状态下水泥路面温度与其发射率耦合关系研究, 光谱学与光谱分析, Vol.34, No. 8, 1736-1741 (SCI检索,通讯作者,被引2) 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2014)07-1736-06

9. Hongmei Zhao, Xiaoling Chen, Jian Zhang, Zhiyong Yin, 2012Land Use/Cover Change Spatial Patterns and their Impact on Sediment Charge in the Longchuan River Catchment, South-western China,  International Journal of Remote SensingVol. 33, No. 14, 4527–4552(SCI)https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2011.652312)(被引6次)

10.  赵红梅, 陈晓玲, 熊明, 王素芳, 2008,遥感与DEM辅助下的元谋干热环境识别与分析, 遥感学报, Vol.12 1):135-141  (核心)

11. Liqiao TianXiaoling ChenHongmei ZhaoWei Zhao. 2007. Aerosol Optical Properties over China Sea with Handheld Sun Photometer, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings (IGARSS):4295 - 4297(EI检索)

12. Xiaoling Chen, Hongmei Zhao*, Pingxiang Li, Zhiyong Yin,2006, Remote Sensing Image-based Analysis on the Relationship between Urban Heat Island and Land Use / Cover Change, Remote Sensing of Environment, 104(2): 133-146 (SCI检索通讯作者, 一区top,被引1825)

13. Hongmei Zhao, Xiaoling Chen, Liqiao Tian,2006, A New Method to Retrieve Topographic shadow Based on Multi-spectral Operation, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings (IGARSS): 2761-2764 (EI检索,被引4)

14. Hongmei Zhao, Xiaoling Chen, 2005, Use of Normalized Difference Bareness Index in Quickly Mapping Bare areas from TM/ETM+, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings (IGARSS), v 3, 1666-1668 (EI检索,被引272)

15. Xiaoxu Wu, Meng Lv, Zhengyu Jin, Ryo Michishita, Jin Chen, Huaiyu Tian, Xiaobin Tu, Hongmei Zhao, Bing Xu. 2014. Normalized difference vegetation index dynamic and spatiotemporal distribution of migratory birds in the Poyang Lake wetland, China. Ecologica indicator, Vol.47, 219-230 (SCI检索)

16. Xiaoling CHEN, Hui LI, Shuming BAO, Zhongyi WU, Weijuan FU, Xiaobin CAI, Hongmei ZHAO and Peng GUO,2006, RS and GIS based study on landscape pattern change in the Poyang Lake wetland area, China, Proc. of SPIE 6419: 64192E-1-64192E-7 (EI检索)

17. Chen X., Bao S., Li H., Wu Z., Fu W., Cai X., ZhaoH., Liu Y., Guo P.,2006, Modeling the Impact of Land Use/cover Change on Sediment Load in Wetlands of the Poyang Lake Basin, Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydrology and Management of Forested Wetlands, USA, 560-570

18. Jiang Zhiyong, Feng Lian, Li Sen1, Wang Jida, Cai, Xiaobin, Lin, Peirong,  Wang Xiaoyan; Zhao Hongmei. 2021. The Dynamics of Hongjian Nur, the Largest Desert Freshwater Lake in China, during 1990-2017, Remote Sensing, Vol.13(14) DOI:10.3390/rs13142690


1. 吴浩、陈晓玲、赵红梅,土地利用分形模拟的空间尺度效应研究,科学出版社,2013.6, I S B N9787030376497, 字数166000副主编)

2. 陈晓玲、赵红梅、黄家柱等,遥感原理与应用实验教程,科学出版社, 2013.3,  I S B N9787030367815, 字数412000(副主编)

3. 陈晓玲、赵红梅等,环境遥感模型与应用,武汉大学出版社,2008.1(主编)

4. 黄新建、陈晓玲,鄱阳湖区域生态经济发展模式研究,科学出版社,2012.3I S B N978-7-03-033445-9,字数321000(参著)

5. 殷剑敏、苏布达、陈晓玲等,鄱阳湖流域气候变化影响评估报告,北京: 气象出版社,2011.3I S B N978-7-5029-5189-4, 字数333000(参著)

6. 陈晓玲等译,遥感数字影像处理导论,机械工业出版社,2006 (参译)


1. Dr. Hongmei Zhao, Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature from Landsat TM images based on V-I-S and V-W-S Model in Poyang Lake Area, Key Laboratory of Wetland and Watershed Research, Ministry of Education, Jiangxi Normal University, China, The International Conference on Land Surface Radiation and Energy Budgets: Observations, Modeling and Analysis,2009.3 Beijing (oral)

2. Zhao Hongmei. Estimate of Land Surface Emissivity from Landsat TM data based on V-I-S and V-W-S Model in Poyang Lake Area, First international Symposium on Land Remote Sensing Algorithms and products, Chengdu, China, 2012.5 (oral)

3. Zhao Hongmei*, Chen Xiaoling, Xu Bing. The scale-independent ecological indicator of migrant birds in Poyang Lake wetland, China.  Dragon 3 2015 Symposium Interlaken, Switzerland, June.2015 (oral)

4. Zhao Hongmei. The scale-independent landscape indicator index of migrant birds in Poyang Lake wetland, China, Sino-German Symposium on Sustainable Water Management and Ecosystem Restorations in the Poyang Lake Basin, 2014.11, Nanchang(oral)


1. 江西师范大学2021-2022年度“巾帼建功'先进个人,20233

2. 江西师范大学2017-2018年度“巾帼建功'先进个人,20193

3. Google Scholar 遥感领域10年经典论文:Goolge Scholar release classic papers: articles that have stood the test of time(Remote Sensing Image-based Analysis on the Relationship between Urban Heat Island and Land Use / Cover Change),入选的中国作者只有两位

4. 鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程对流域水环境的调控研究,付莎莎、黄国鲜、徐新发、赵红梅、陈晓玲,2017年度赣鄱水利科学技术奖 一等奖,2017.10

5. 优秀硕士学位论文指导老师,2015年优秀硕士学位论文指导老师,2016.5

6. 空间信息技术支持下的生态环境研究,陈晓玲、赵红梅、方朝阳、刘影,江西省自然科学奖 三等奖,2010.6

7. Environmental Sciences Journals: Most Cited Articles by Chinese Mainland Authors 2005-2010, Chen X.L., Zhao H.M., Li P.X., Yin Z.Y.,2010


1. 国家自然科学基金,城市不透水表面高光谱有效发射率多角度昼夜校正模型研究,2022.1-2025.12,项目编号:42161062主持

2. 国家自然科学基金,基于在线热红外监测技术的大气动力场对城市地表辐射温度遥感监测影响机理研究,2015.1-2018.12,项目编号:41461079(主持,已结题)

3. 国家自然科学基金,基于混合像元分解模型的多分辨率城市地表温度遥感反演——以南昌市为例, 2012.1-2014.12,项目编号:41101341(主持,已结题)

4. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划),全球海量空间信息更新关联与主动服务系统(一期):全球变化环境下流感时空传播模拟与预警系统,2012.6-2015.6,项目编号:2012AA12A407子课题负责人,已结题)

5. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)子课题,全球陆表特征参量产品集生成系统研发与产品生成:地表特征参数产品验证,2009.9-2012.6,项目编号:2009AA122103(子课题负责人,已结题)

6. 中科院遥感所开放基金: 复杂地形区短波辐射时空尺度转换,财务编号:7073, 时间: 2015.12-2017.12 (主持)

7. 开放基金(测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室):基于多源数据的水稻叶面积指数多频变化监测——以鄱阳湖平原为例,项目编号11k02,时间:2012/01/01-2013/12/31(主持)

8. 江西省勘察设计研究院:江西省赣县稀土矿区高分辨率遥感解译,项目编号:3360,时间:2010.4-2010.12 (主持)

9. 开放基金(测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室):鄱阳湖流域陆地生态需水量及其信息共享研究,项目编号09R01,时间:2009.1-2010.12 (主持)

10. 863计划重大项目:星机地综合定量遥感系统与应用示范(一期),第四课题多尺度遥感数据按需快速处理与定量遥感产品生成关键技术:区域定量遥感产品生成技术与应用示范,2012-2014,项目编号:2012AA12A304第一参与人,结题

11. 国家自然科学基金,优势植物灰化苔草对鄱阳湖湿地重金属污染的高光谱响应,2011.01-2013.12,项目编号:41061037 (第一参与人,结题)

12. 国家自然科学基金项目:基于遥感与数值模拟的采砂扰动下鄱阳湖水体悬浮泥沙时空动态研究,2011-2013,项目编号: 201000170(第一参与人,结题)

13. 水利部公益性行业科研专项经费项目子项目,鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程对流域水环境的调控研究,2010.10-2013.10,项目编号:201001054(第一参与人,结题)




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