姓名 | 胡碧松 | 
性别 | 男 |
出生年月 | 1983.06 |
最后学历 | 博士 |
职称 | 教授, 博导 |
2004.09~2009.07中国科学院遥感应用研究所, 地图学与地理信息系统专业, 理学博士, 导师: 李小文, 龚建华
2000.09~2004.07清华大学, 土木工程系, 结构工程专业, 工学学士
2020.12~至今江西师范大学地理与环境学院, 教授
2019.08~2020.02中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 访问学者
2014.03~2014.08加州州立大学富乐顿分校, 访问学者
2013.12~2020.12江西师范大学地理与环境学院, 副教授
2009.07~2013.12江西师范大学地理与环境学院, 讲师
获奖荣誉(†省部级; *国家级协会)
2023.12†江西省教学成果二等奖(2022245), “五位一体,融合育人”地理学拔尖人才培养体系构建与实践, 3/8
2023.05江西师范大学第二十六届熊智明奖教金, 1/1
2023.03江西师范大学第十八批教学成果一等奖(202200006), 地理学“一制五化三融合”国家一流专业人才培养探索与实践, 3/5
2023.02†江西省线上线下混合式一流本科课程(2022-M019), 地理数学方法(Mathematical Methods in Geography), 1/5
2022.10†第二届江西普通高校金牌青年教师(教学名师), 1/1
2022.10*第十届高校GIS论坛“高校GIS新锐”, 1/1
2022.05江西省疫情防控流调溯源工作组专家, 南昌市委/南昌市人民政府感谢信, 1/1
2021.12†江西省教学成果二等奖(20211541), “一轴四段七节点”地理信息科学专业人才培养模式, 2/5
2021.08*第三届全国高等学校GIS教学成果二等奖, “一轴四段七节点”GIS拔尖人才培养模式, 2/5
2021.08江西师范大学第十七批本科层次教学成果一等奖, “一轴四段七节点”地理信息科学专业本科人才培养模式, 2/5
2021.02†江西省线上线下混合式一流本科课程(2020-3-0155), 空间分析(Spatial Analysis), 1/5
2021.04江西师范大学防疫期间线上教学优质课程二等奖, 空间分析, 1/5
2020.12†江西省科学技术进步三等奖, 文化遗产景观地旅游综合服务平台关键技术研究与示范, 10/10
2020.12*中国测绘学会2020年测绘科学技术二等奖(2020-01-02-42),文化遗产景观地旅游综合服务平台关键技术研究与示范, 10/10
2019.12江西师范大学第十六批教学成果二等奖, 基于“多模式融合”与“课内外一体化”的地理信息科学专业综合应用型人才培养探索与实践, 1/5
2019.12江西师范大学第十六批教学成果二等奖, 基于“虚拟班”的地方普通高校“一制五化”本科拔尖创新人才培养模式的实践与创新, 5/5
2018.06江西师范大学青年教师教学竞赛二等奖, 1/1
2017.09江西师范大学2016-2017学年课程教学百优教师, 1/1
2017.09江西师范大学2015-2016学年三育人先进工作者, 1/1
2016.06江西师范大学青年教师教学竞赛二等奖, 1/1
2016.03江西师范大学三星级课程教学奖, 1/1
2015.11*第三届全国高校GIS青年教师讲课竞赛三等奖, 中国地理信息产业协会, 1/1
2013.07*首届全国高校GIS青年教师讲课竞赛一等奖, 中国地理信息产业协会, 1/1
2011.07†江西省高等学校科技成果三等奖(J1103034), 时空虚拟仿真平台开发与应用, 3/5
科研项目 (†国家级; *省部级)
PI†国家自然科学基金地区项目(42061075), 基于空间分异统计与卡尔曼滤波的新型冠状病毒肺炎时空传播建模研究, 2021.01~2024.12, 35万元, 主持
PI†国家自然科学基金青年项目(41301430), 基于输入输出流的呼吸道传染病时空传播网络建模研究, 2014.01~2016.12, 24万元, 主持
PI*江西省自然科学基金重点项目(20242BAB26018), 面向重大疫情防控应急的传播风险精准评估与监控预警空间优化研究, 2024.01~2027.12, 20万元, 主持
PI*江西省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目(GJJ200303), 城市功能区尺度下新型冠状病毒肺炎传播风险评估-基于个体活动轨迹的建模研究, 2021.01~2022.12, 5万元, 主持
PI中国科学院空天信息创新研究院委托课题, 鹰潭市应急管理行业自然灾害综合风险普查成果制图工作, 2023.08–2024.12, 60万元, 主持
Co-PI†(2)国家自然科学基金地区项目(41961055), 基于指数分布族的广义时空地理加权回归模型研究, 2020.01~2023.12, 40万元, 参与(第2)
Co-PI*(4)江西省重点研发计划重大项目(20201BBG71010), 鄱阳湖地区重点动物源与媒介生物性传染病监测及其传播风险评估, 2021.01~2024.12, 200万元, 参与(第4)
Co-PI*(4)江西省重点研发计划定向委托重点项目(2020YBBGW0007), 新冠肺炎高危人群搜索和高危区域识别预警系统在疫情防控应急决策中的应用, 2020.01~2020.12, 80万元, 参与(第4)
PI智慧中原地理信息技术河南省协同创新中心/时空感知与智能处理自然资源部重点实验室联合基金课题(No. 212201), 城市功能区尺度下新冠肺炎时空传播风险评估, 2021.12~2022.12, 5万元, 主持
PI中国科学院空天信息创新研究院委托课题, 鄱阳湖湿地越冬白鹤栖息地时空分布动态监测, 2021.01~2022.12, 10万元, 主持
PI江西省动物源与媒介生物性传染病重点实验室开放课题基金, 南昌市农贸市场资源分布可达性与覆盖度分析, 2021.01~2022.12, 3万元, 主持
PI中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所委托课题, 张家口市生态格局模拟数据处理与建模服务, 2019.11~2021.12, 15万元, 主持
PI鄱阳湖湿地与流域研究教育部重点实验室开放基金(PK2019001), 鄱阳湖湿地越冬白鹤栖息地时空分布变化特征及其水文响应研究, 2019.07~2021.06, 3万元, 主持
PI天津师范大学委托课题, 建筑物火灾虚拟实验技术服务, 2019.06~2019.12, 4.4万元, 主持
PI中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所委托课题, 西藏生态环境数据标准规范咨询、检查、标定服务, 2018.07~2018.12, 10万元, 主持
Co-PI†(5)国家科技支撑计划课题(2015BAH50F02), 文化旅游综合服务平台关键技术研发, 2015.01~2018.06, 270万元, 参与
PI中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所委托课题, 城市洪水模拟下垫面数据处理与应用集成, 2015.06~2017.12, 10万元, 主持
PI江西省环境保护科学院委托课题, 江西省生态红线敏感区域区划项目, 2017.01~2017.06, 6万元, 主持
PI鄱阳湖湿地与流域研究教育部重点实验室主任特殊基金(TK2013002), 鄱阳湖区土地利用变化模拟与可视化研究, 2014.07~2017.06, 10万元, 主持
PI*江西省教育厅科技计划项目(GJJ13238), 基于移动定位数据的人群活动行为建模, 2014.01~2017.07, 3万元, 主持
PI江西省环境保护科学院委托课题, 江西省生态保护红线区划项目基础数据处理与矢量化, 2015.12~2016.04, 4万元, 主持
PI*江西省自然科学基金项目(20114BAB215024), 鄱阳湖区生态环境变化对血吸虫病传播的影响评价与预测模型研究, 2012.01~2014.12, 6万元, 主持
PI*江西省教育厅科技计划项目(GJJ11073), 鄱阳湖血吸虫病时空分析模型库研究, 2011.01~2012.12, 3万元, 主持
PI鄱阳湖湿地与流域研究教育部重点实验室开放基金(PK2010001), 基于SVM的传染病传播规律与疫情预测研究, 2010.07~2012.06, 3万元, 主持
科研论文(†第一作者; *通讯作者)
Zheng, Z., Song, W., Li, H., Deng, Z., Hu, B., Wang, Y., and Wang, F., 2025. Spatial behaviors of HFMD hospital visits across regions of various urbanicity levels in Nanchang, China. Travel Behaviour and Society, 38, 100888.
Hu, B.†, Wu, T., Yin, Q., Wang, J., Jiang, B., and Luo, J., 2024. Calibrating Spatial Stratified Heterogeneity for Heavy-Tailed Distributed Data. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 1–19.
Hu, B.†, Jiang, B., Luo, J., Wu, T., and Lin, H., 2024. Dynamics of China’s natural cities and their living structures derived from nighttime lights and populated grids. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 23998083241261764.
Zhang, S., Xu, H., Liu, A., Qi, S., Hu, B., Huang, M., and Luo, J., 2024. Mapping of secondary forest age in China using stacked generalization and Landsat time series. Scientific Data, 11 (1), 302.
Shen, K., Tian, Y., Hu, B., Luo, J., Qi, S., Chen, S., and Lin, H., 2024. Association rule mining of air quality through an improved Apriori algorithm: A case study in 244 Chinese cities. Transactions in GIS, 28 (4), 726–745.
Qin, J., Ye, H., Lin, K., Qi, S., Hu, B., and Luo, J., 2024. Assessment of water-related ecosystem services based on multi-scenario land use changes: focusing on the Poyang Lake Basin of southern China. Ecological Indicators, 158, 111549.
Hu, B.†, Fu, S., Luo, J., Lin, H., Yin, Q., Tao, V., Jiang, B., Zuo, L., and Meng, Y., 2023. Geographical detector-based assessment of multi-level explanatory powers of determinants on China’s medical-service resumption during the COVID-19 epidemic. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 50 (7), 1739–1758.
Wu, T., Hu, B.*, Luo, J., and Qi, S., 2023. A Head/Tail Breaks-Based Approach to Characterizing Space-Time Risks of COVID-19 Epidemic in China’s Cities. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 12 (12), 485.
Luo, Y., Qi, S., Liao, K., Zhang, S., Hu, B., and Tian, Y., 2023. Mapping the Forest Height by Fusion of ICESat-2 and Multi-Source Remote Sensing Imagery and Topographic Information: A Case Study in Jiangxi Province, China. Forests, 14 (3), 454.
Huang, M., Gong, D., Lin, H., Hu, B., Chen, J., Xiao, C., Luo, J., Qi, S., and Altan, O., 2023. Does COVID-19 Affect the Accessibility of Outdoor Sports Venues? A Case Study in Nanchang, China. Land, 12 (1), 158.
Hu, B.†, Zhang, Q., Tao, V., Wang, J., Lin, H., Zuo, L., and Meng, Y., 2022. Assessing work resumption in hospitals during the COVID‐19 epidemic in China using multiscale geographically weighted regression. Transactions in GIS, 26 (4), 2023–2040.
Hu, B.†, Zou, L., Qi, S., Yin, Q., Luo, J., Zuo, L., and Meng, Y., 2022. Evaluating the Vulnerability of Siberian Crane Habitats and the Influences of Water Level Intervals in Poyang Lake Wetland, China. Remote Sensing, 14 (12), 2774.
Liu, L., Luo, J., Xiao, X., Hu, B., Qi, S., Lin, H., and Zu, X., 2022. Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Urban Innovation Networks: A Case Study of the Urban Agglomeration in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, China. Land, 11 (5), 597.
Hu, B.†, Ning, P., Li, Y., Xu, C., Christakos, G., and Wang, J., 2021. Space-time disease mapping by combining Bayesian maximum entropy and Kalman filter: the BME-Kalman approach. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 35 (3), 466–489.
Hu, B.†, Ning, P., Qiu, J., Tao, V., Devlin, A.T., Chen, H., Wang, J., and Lin, H., 2021. Modeling the complete spatiotemporal spread of the COVID-19 epidemic in mainland China. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 110, 247–257.
Zou, L., Hu, B.*, Qi, S., Zhang, Q., and Ning, P., 2021. Spatiotemporal Variation of Siberian Crane Habitats and the Response to Water Level in Poyang Lake Wetland, China. Remote Sensing, 13 (1), 140.
Hu, B.†, Qiu, J., Chen, H., Tao, V., Wang, J., and Lin, H., 2020. First, second and potential third generation spreads of the COVID-19 epidemic in mainland China: an early exploratory study incorporating location-based service data of mobile devices. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 96, 489–495.
Hu, B.†, Qiu, W., Xu, C., and Wang, J., 2020. Integration of a Kalman filter in the geographically weighted regression for modeling the transmission of hand, foot and mouth disease. BMC Public Health, 20 (1), 479.
Zhou, J., Hu, B.*, Qiu, W., 2020. Research on activity spatial cohesion structure and zoning of Nanchang city based on Tencent location data. World Regional Studies, 29 (05), 973–984. (in Chinese) [周静怡, 胡碧松*,邱文清, 2020. 基于腾讯位置数据的南昌市活动空间凝聚结构与区划研究. 世界地理研究, 29 (05), 973–984.]
Li, Y., Hu, B., Zhang, D., Gong, J., Song, Y., and Sun, J., 2019. Flood evacuation simulations using cellular automata and multiagent systems -a human-environment relationship perspective. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 33 (11), 2241–2258.
Guo, M., and Hu, B.*, 2019. Assessing the spatial layout efficiency of basic educational resources by an improved coverage model: A case study of Nanchang city, China. Journal of Geo-information Science, 21 (6), 875–886. (in Chinese) [郭梦芳, 胡碧松*, 2019. 基于改进覆盖度模型的南昌市基础教育资源空间布局效率分析. 地球信息科学学报, 21 (06), 875–886.]
Hu, B.†, and Zhang, H., 2018. Simulation of Land-use Change in Poyang Lake Region Based on CA-Markov Model. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 27 (06), 1207–1219. (in Chinese) [胡碧松*, 张涵玥, 2018. 基于CA-Markov模型的鄱阳湖区土地利用变化模拟研究. 长江流域资源与环境, 27 (06), 1207–1219.]
Zhong, Y., and Hu, B.*, 2018. Spatial pattern evolution of urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River based on night light data. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 43 (09), 68–75. (in Chinese) [钟洋, 胡碧松*, 2018. 夜间灯光数据的长江中游城市群空间格局演变. 测绘科学, 43 (09), 68–75.]
Li, Y., Gong, J., and Hu, B., 2018. Multisource Remotely Sensed Wetland Information Exploration Using Interactive Visualization Methods. In: Proceedings of the 2018 2nd International Conference on Big Data and Internet of Things-BDIOT 2018. Presented at the 2nd International Conference, Beijing, China: ACM Press, 95–99.
Zhong, Y., Lin, A., Hu, B.,and Ju, M., 2018. Spatial pattern evolution of urban system in Yangtze River economic belt based on DMSP-OLS night light data (1992–2013). Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 27 (10), 2162–2171. (in Chinese) [钟洋, 林爱文, 胡碧松, 鞠民, 2018. 基于DMSP-OLS夜间灯光数据的长江经济带城镇体系空间格局演变(1992~2013). 长江流域资源与环境, 27 (10), 2162–2171.]
Liu, Q., Luo, J., and Hu, B.,2018. Analysis of the comprehensive spatial traffic patterns in the counties of Poyang Lake ecological and economic zone. CO-Operative Economy & Science, (08), 25–27. (in Chinese) [刘强, 罗津, 胡碧松, 2018. 鄱阳湖生态经济区县域综合交通空间格局研究. 合作经济与科技, (08), 25–27.]
Zhang, H. and Hu, B.*, 2017. Space syntax and time distance-based analysis on the influences of the subways to the public traffic accessibility in Nanchang city. In: 2017 13th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD), Guilin: IEEE, 2504–2511.
Zhong, Y., Hu, B.*, Tan, B., and Zhang, H., 2017. Response research on transportation accessibility of new high-speed rail hub city tourism development: a case of Shangrao city, Jiangxi province. Resource Development & Market, 33 (02), 238–243. (in Chinese) [钟洋, 胡碧松*, 谭波, 张涵玥, 2017. 基于交通可达性的新兴高铁枢纽城市旅游发展响应研究——以江西省上饶市为例. 资源开发与市场, 33 (02), 238–243.]
Zhong, Y., Hu, B.*, Feng, X., and Zeng, X., 2017. Emerging high-speed rail hub city accessibility pattern of evolution and policy research. World Regional Studies, 26 (01), 77–84. (in Chinese) [钟洋, 胡碧松*, 冯兴华, 曾秀萍,张涵玥, 2017. 新兴高铁枢纽城市可达性格局演变及响应策略研究--以上饶市为例. 世界地理研究, 26 (01), 77–84.]
Zhong, Y., Hu, B.*, Tan, B., and Zhang, H., 2017. Research on the connection of Nanchang city public transportation and Nanchang west station. Journal of East China University of Technology (Social Science), 36 (01), 23–27. (in Chinese) [钟洋, 胡碧松*, 谭波,张涵玥, 2017. 南昌城市公共交通与南昌西站的衔接研究. 东华理工大学学报(社会科学版), 36 (01), 23–27.]
Xia, Y., Zhu, X., and Hu, B., 2014. Discussion on mode of intelligent spatial information dissemination. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 39 (06), 25–30. (in Chinese) [夏宇, 朱欣焰, 胡碧松, 2014. 地理空间信息智能分发模式探讨. 测绘科学, 39 (06), 25–30.]
Hu, B.†, Gong, J., Zhou, J., Sun, J., Yang, L., Xia, Y., and Ibrahim, A.N., 2013. Spatial-temporal characteristics of epidemic spread in-out flow—Using SARS epidemic in Beijing as a case study. Science China Earth Sciences, 56 (8), 1380–1397.
Hu, B.†, Gong, J., Sun, J., and Zhou, J., 2013. Exploring the epidemic transmission network of SARS in-out flow in mainland China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58 (15), 1818–1831.
Hu, B.†, Gong, J., Zhou, J., Sun, J., Yang, L., Xia, Y., and Ibrahim, A.N., 2013. Spatial-temporal characteristics of epidemic spread in-out flow—Using SARS epidemic in Beijing as a case study. Science China Earth Sciences, 43 (09), 1499–1517. (in Chinese) [胡碧松, 龚建华, 周洁萍, 孙麇, 杨荔阳, 夏宇, Nasser, I.A., 2013. 疾病传播输入输出流的时空特征分析——以北京SARS流行为例. 中国科学:地球科学, 43 (09), 1499–1517.]
Hu, B.†, Gong, J., Sun, J., and Zhou, J., 2013. Exploring the epidemic transmission network of SARS in-out flow in mainland China. Chinese Science Bulletin, (Z1 vol 58), 452–464. (in Chinese) [胡碧松, 龚建华, 孙麇, 周洁萍, 2013. 中国内地SARS输入输出流的疾病传播网络分析. 科学通报, (Z1 vo 58), 452–464.]
Tang, Q., Zhang, Z., Huang, C., Zhao, A., and Hu, B., 2012. Spatial clustering detecting for schistosomiasis in Nanchang County. Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control, 24 (05), 518-521+621. (in Chinese) [唐启强, 张智, 黄潮清, 赵安, 胡碧松, 2012. 基于GIS的南昌县血吸虫病疫情聚集区域综合探测研究. 中国血吸虫病防治杂志, 24 (05), 518-521+621.]
Hu, B.†, and Gong, J., 2011. A distributed geo-computing model of individual-based transmission simulation. In: Eighth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD), Shanghai: IEEE, 2412–2416.
Hu, B.†, and Gong, J., 2010. Support vector machine-based classification analysis of SARS spatial distribution. In: Sixth International Conference on Natural Computation, Yantai: IEEE, 924–927.
Hu, B.†, and Gong, J., 2010. Modeling Individual-Based Social Network with Spatial-Temporal Information. In: 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science, Wuhan, China: IEEE, 1–4.
Hu, B.†, and Gong, J., 2010. Individual-based distributed epidemic spread model. In: 18th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Beijing, China: IEEE, 1–6.
Hu, B.†, and Gong, J., 2009. Simulation of Epidemic Spread in Social Network. In: 2009 International Conference on Management and Service Science, Wuhan: IEEE, 1–4.
Li, Y., Hu, B., Gong, J., Cao, W., and Fang, L., 2009. Visual Data Mining of SARS Distribution Using Self-Organization Maps. In: International Conference on Management and Service Science. Presented at the 2009 International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS), Wuhan: IEEE, 1–4.
Hu, B.†, Gong, J., Cao, W., and Fang, L., 2009. Design and implementation of collaborative epidemical surveillance and response system. Computer Engineering, 35 (22), 10-12+16. (in Chinese) [胡碧松, 龚建华, 曹务春, 方立群, 2009. 协同疾病监测与处置系统的设计与实现. 计算机工程, 35 (22), 10-12+16.]
Hu, B.†, Feng, D., Cao, W., Fang, L., and Gong, J., 2008. Mobile intelligent disease diagnosis system based on Bayesian analysis. Computer Applications, (S1), 15–17. (in Chinese) [胡碧松, 冯丹, 曹务春, 方立群, 龚建华, 2008. 基于贝叶斯算法的移动式疾病智能诊断系统. 计算机应用, (S1), 15–17.]
Hu, B.†, and Gong, J., 2008. A 3-dimensional modeling method of complex and enormous cloverleaf junction. Science of Surveying and Mapping, (01), 100-102+87+248-249. (in Chinese) [胡碧松, 龚建华, 2008. 大型立交桥三维建模方法研究. 测绘科学, (01), 100-102+87+248-249.]
Hu, B.†, Gong, J.*, Sun, J., Cao, W., and Fang, L., 2008. GIS-based epidemical disease information visualization. In: 16th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Guangzhou, China, 71431 J.
Jiang B., Yao Q., and Hu B., 2024. Towards the science of living structure: Making and remaking livable cities as part of Urban Informatics, An invited chapter in: Weng Q., Chen B., and Zhang F. (editors, 2024), Urban Observation and Social Sensing, CRC Press: London.
Hu, B., Qi, S., Luo, J., Lin, H., 2022. Monitoring spatiotemporal variations of wintering Siberian crane habitats, in: Big Earth Data in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals (2021), Science Press (EDP Sciences): Beijing.
Hu, B., Qi, S., Luo, J., Lin, H., 2021. Monitoring spatiotemporal variations of wintering Siberian crane habitats, in: Big Earth Data in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals (2021), pp. 126–128. https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/topics_665678/2030kcxfzyc/
Hu, B., Qi, S., Luo, J., Lin, H., 2021. 越冬白鹤栖息地时空分布动态监测, in: 地球大数据支撑可持续发展目标报告(2021), pp. 126–128. https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/web/ziliao_674904/zt_674979/dnzt_674981/qtzt/2030kcxfzyc_686343/ (in Chinese)
2023.05龚道宏;黄敏;林珲;张琍;胡碧松;齐述华;罗津;朱道也;肖长江, 基于遥感技术和深度学习的农产品成熟度预测方法及系统, 专利公开号CN116227758B
2021.06齐述华; 卢成芳; 罗津; 胡碧松, 一种应用于径流小区水沙自动化观测设备, 专利公开号CN112945366A
2017.11胡碧松, 庐山文化旅游网Android应用程序, 软件著作权登记号2017SR609950, 原始取得(第1)
2024.08Annual seminar of the Professional Committee of Geographical Models and Geospatial Information Analysis (GSC), Beijing, China. Spatial heterogeneity: measures, modeling, and applications. Invited speaker [中国地理学会地理模型与地理信息分析专业委员会2024年学术年会, 北京, 中国. 空间异质性: 测度、建模与应用.]
2024.07The 9th summer school in spatial econometrics of Peking university, Nanchang, China. Spatial heterogeneity and geographical detector. Invited speaker [2024年第九届北京大学空间计量经济学暑期学校, 南昌, 中国. 空间分异性与地理探测器.]
2024.01The “Siben” forum of surveying, remote sensing, and GIScience of Jiangxi, Nanchang, China. Optimizing the spatial stratification for heavy-tailed distributed data. Invited speaker [江西测绘遥感地理信息“思本论坛”, 南昌, 中国. 重尾分布地理数据空间优化分层方法.]
2023.11The 1stnational conference of Information Geography, Suzhou, China. Kalman filter and its typical applications in spatiotemporal process modeling. Session speaker [首届全国信息地理学大会, 苏州, 中国. 卡尔曼滤波及其在时空过程建模中的应用.]
2023.10Annual seminar of the Professional Committee of Geographical Models and Geospatial Information Analysis (GSC), Wuhan, China. A stratification optimization for better capturing spatial stratified heterogeneity of heavy-tailed distributed data. Session speaker [中国地理学会地理模型与地理信息分析专业委员会2023年学术年会, 武汉, 中国. 一种更好捕捉重尾分布地理数据空间分异性的优化分层方法.]
2023.10Annual seminar of the Professional Committee of Geographical Models and Geospatial Information Analysis (GSC), Wuhan, China. The reform of the integrated practical teaching of methodological courses in geography oriented on idea expansion. Session speaker [中国地理学会地理模型与地理信息分析专业委员会2023年学术年会, 武汉, 中国. 思维拓展导向的地理学方法论课程“本研贯通式”实验教学改革与实践.]
2023.10The 13th Forum on Spatially Integrated Humanities and Social Science, Beijing, China. Scaling law and new scaling law: a comparative empirical study on administrative cities and natural cities. Session speaker [第十三届空间综合人文学与社会科学论坛, 北京, 中国. 标度率与新标度率: 基于行政城市与自然城市的对比实证分析.]
2023.08The 1st Youth Innovation Forum on Digital Earth, Beijing, China. A head/tail breaks-based approach to characterizing space-time risks of COVID-19 epidemic in China’s cities. Invited speaker
2023.04The PIESAT Smart Earth Seminar Series, Beijing, China. Were urbanization and human settlement evolution equilibrium? An empirical study from the perspective of natural cities. Invited speaker [航天宏图智慧地球大讲堂-地理信息应用专题月, 城市化进程与人口集聚演变是平衡的吗?—基于自然城市视角的实证研究.]
2023.03Seminar talk at Urban Governance and Design Thrust, Society Hub, HKUST(GZ). Calibrating spatial stratified heterogeneity (SSH) for heavy-tailed distributed data. Invited speaker
2022.12The 2nd International Symposium on Spatial Lifecourse Health, Wuhan, China. Space-time disease mapping by combining Bayesian maximum entropy and Kalman filter: the BME-Kalman approach. Keynote speaker [第二届空间全生命周期健康国际研讨会, 武汉, 中国. 一种集成贝叶斯最大熵与卡尔曼滤波的疾病时空制图方法.]
2022.11The 5th International Conference on Big Earth Data, Wuhan, China. Assessing the medical-service resumption of China during the post-epidemic period. Session speaker [第五届地学大数据国际研讨会, 武汉, 中国. 后疫情时期全国医疗服务恢复状况评估分析.]
2022.11The 10th GIScience Teaching Conference of High Education, Chengdu, China. A thought-expanding oriented experimental teaching design for spatial analysis course. Session speaker [第十届全国高校地理信息科学专业教学研讨会,成都, 中国. 思维拓展导向的空间分析课程实验教学设计.]
2022.10The 10th GIScience Forum of High Education, Chengdu, China. Spatiotemporal modeling of COVID-19 epidemic for various stages of the epidemic transmission. Session speaker [2022第十届高校GIS论坛, 成都, 中国. 覆盖疫情发展全阶段的新冠肺炎传播时空建模研究.]
2022.09Annual seminar of the Professional Committee of Geographical Models and Geospatial Information Analysis (GSC), Nanjing, China. Thinking about the multi-level teaching design for spatial analysis and modeling course. Session speaker [中国地理学会地理模型与地理信息分析专业委员会2022年学术年会, 南京, 中国. 空间分析与建模课程“本-硕-博”跨层次教学设计的几点思考.]
2022.09International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals, Beijing, China. Evaluating the vulnerability of Siberian crane habitats and the influences of water level intervals in Poyang Lake wetland, China. Session chair/speaker
2022.08The Geographic Information Technology Innovation Conference (GITIC), Beijing, China. Spatiotemporal modeling of COVID-19 epidemic based on the LBS trajectory data of mobile devices.Session speaker [2022地理信息技术创新大会(GITIC), Beijing, China. 基于移动设备轨迹数据的新冠肺炎传播时空建模分析.]
2022.07The 8th Chinese Virtual Geographic Environment Conference, Ganzhou, China. Modeling the spatiotemporal spread of COVID-19 epidemic and estimating its space-time epidemiological parameters. Session speaker [第八届全国虚拟地理环境学术会议(CVGE 2021), 赣州, 中国. 中国新冠肺炎疫情扩散时空建模与时空流行病学参数估计.]
2021.12International Symposium on Geospatial Approaches to Combating COVID-19, Florence, Italy. Modeling the complete spatiotemporal spread of the COVID-19 epidemic in mainland China.Session speaker
2021.11The 28th International Conference on Geoinformatics, CPGIS Annual Conference, Nanchang, China.Modeling the complete spatiotemporal spread of the COVID-19 epidemic in mainland China. Session speaker
2021.09Annual seminar of the Professional Committee of Geographical Models and Geospatial Information Analysis (GSC), Changchun, China. Designing the online-offline hybrid interactive first-class spatial analysis course. Session speaker [中国地理学会地理模型与地理信息分析专业委员会2021年学术年会, 长春, 中国. 空间分析线上线下混合式一流课程建设.]
2021.09The 2021 annual seminar of the Professional Committee of Geographical Models and Geospatial Information Analysis (GSC), Changchun, China. Spatiotemporal modeling of COVID-19 epidemic based on the LBS trajectory data of mobile devices. Session speaker [中国地理学会地理模型与地理信息分析专业委员会2021年学术年会, 长春, 中国. 基于移动设备轨迹数据的新冠肺炎疫情扩散时空建模研究.]
2021.05GIScience Practical Teaching Seminar of High Education, Wuhan, China. A novel cultivation model for excellent GIScience talents: one axis, four sections, and seven nodes. Invited speaker [“思考脑, 操作手, 美丽心”全国GIS实践教学研讨会, 武汉, 中国. “一轴四段七节点”GIS拔尖人才培养模式.]
教研项目 (†省级; *校级)
PI†江西省学位与研究生教育教学改革研究重点课题(JXYJG-2023-026), 空间分析与建模系列课程“本-硕-博”跨层次教学设计改革与实践, 2024.01~2025.12, 2万元, 主持
PI†江西省高等学校教学改革研究课题(JXJG-23-2-33), 思维拓展导向的地理学方法论课程“本研贯通式”实验教学改革与实践, 2024.01~2025.12, 0.5万元, 主持
PI†江西省学位与研究生教育教学改革研究课题(JXYJG-2020-051), 基于案例驱动模式的空间分析与建模课程混合式教学改革实践, 2021.01~2022.12, 1万元, 主持
PI†江西省高等学校教学改革研究课题(JXJG-20-2-42), 面向混合式教学的空间分析课程思政实验案例库建设研究, 2021.01~2022.12, 0.5万元, 主持
PI†江西省高等学校教学改革研究课题(JXJG-17-2-42), 基于“问题-方法-问题”模式的慕课环境下计量地理学实验教材建设研究, 2018.01~2019.12, 0.5万元, 主持
PI†江西省学位与研究生教育教学改革研究课题(JXYJG-2014-044), 问题解决与科研课题驱动下的《空间分析与建模》教学改革实践, 2015.01~2018.12, 1万元, 主持
PI†江西省高等学校教学改革研究课题(JXJG-14-2-32), 基于“问题-方法-问题”模式的《计量地理学》教学改革实践, 2015.01~2016.12, 0.5万元, 主持, 优秀结题
PI*江西师范大学“正大学子2.0”重点建设项目, GIS拔尖创新人才实验班, 2020~2022, 5万元, 负责人
PI*江西师范大学GIS创新创业实验班项目, 2020~2022, 5万元, 负责人
PI*江西师范大学数字化优质教学资源建设项目精品在线开放课程培育项目, 地理数学方法, 2021~2022, 5万元, 主持
PI*江西师范大学第四批数字化优质教学资源建设项目精品在线开放课程, 空间分析, 2019~2020, 5万元, 主持
PI*江西师范大学创新创业教育精品课程, 智慧城市与时空大数据分析, 2020~2021, 3万元, 主持
PI*江西师范大学“双万计划”一流课程培育项目(线上线下混合式课程), 空间分析, 2019~2021, 3万元, 主持
PI*江西师范大学“双万计划”一流课程培育项目(线上线下混合式课程), 地理数学方法, 2019~2021, 3万元, 主持
PI*江西师范大学第三批数字化优质教学资源建设项目(正大微课), 空间分析, 2017~2018, 0.5万元, 主持
PI*江西师范大学第三批数字化优质教学资源建设项目(正大微课), 地理数学方法, 2017~2018, 0.5万元, 主持
PI*江西师范大学2018年度本科规划教材, GIS空间分析案例式实验教程, 2018~2020, 主持
PI*江西师范大学2018年度本科规划教材, 计量地理学案例式实验教程, 2018~2020, 主持
罗津, 胡碧松, 徐健, 钟业喜, 谭菊华, 林珲, 夏宇, 2023. “一轴四段七节点”GIS专业人才培养模式探索与实践. 高教学刊, 9 (15), 161–164.
秦昆, 张洪岩, 程昌秀, 邓敏, 胡碧松, 孔云峰, 李军, 卢宾宾, 张红, 赵建军, 赵永, 王劲峰, 2022. 空间数据分析一流课程建设的思考. 地理空间信息, 20 (07), 148–153.
胡碧松†, 张辉琴, 陈云天,郭梦芳, 2020. 空间分析与建模研究生课程教学模式改革探讨. 地理空间信息, 18 (04), 130-133+8.
吴建华, 刘佳琪, 韦朋杰, 胡碧松, 舒晓波, 2018. 江西师范大学GIS专业毕业实习改革与发展对策. 高教学刊, (03), 138–141.
胡碧松†, 张涵玥, 曾秀萍, 郭剑, 2016. 本科计量地理学课程的“问题-方法-问题”教学模式探讨. 高教学刊, (19), 35–37.
UGOD 5104, Visualization for Urban Informatics (Autumn 2024)
地理分析与建模(Geographical Analysis and Modeling)
空间分析与建模(Spatial Analysis and Modeling)
现代地理学中的数学方法(Mathematical Methods in Contemporary Geography)
空间分析(Spatial Analysis), 省级一流金课
地理数学方法(Mathematical Methods in Geography) , 省级一流金课
智慧城市与时空大数据分析(Smart City and Spatial-temporal Big Data Analytics)
GIS行业应用(Applications in GIScience-related Industries)
GIS分析与应用(GIScience Analysis and Applications)
2022.11易智瑞杯中国大学生GIS软件开发竞赛地理设计组一等奖, 基于随机森林和DT-CA的北上广深后疫情时期出行风险评估, 中国测绘学会/易智瑞(中国)信息技术有限公司
2021.11易智瑞杯中国大学生GIS软件开发竞赛地理设计组优胜奖, 新型冠状病毒疫情时空扩散特征及影响因子探究
2020.11第九届全国大学生GIS应用技能大赛二等奖, 中国地理信息业协会/中国地理学会
2020.11易智瑞杯中国大学生GIS软件开发竞赛地理设计组三等奖, 基于新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情数据的可变面元问题(MAUP)效应分析
2020.11易智瑞杯中国大学生GIS软件开发竞赛地理设计组优胜奖, 基于空气质量监测数据可变面元问题(MAUP)效应分析
2020.11易智瑞杯中国大学生GIS软件开发竞赛地理设计组优胜奖, 基于COVID-19疫情数据的空间自相关性与异质性研究
2019.11第八届全国大学生GIS应用技能大赛优秀指导老师奖, 中国地理信息业协会/中国地理学会/教育部地理科学类教学指导委员会
2019.11易智瑞杯中国大学生GIS软件开发竞赛地理设计组三等奖, 无人机遥感影像与LiDAR点云数据相结合的潜在违章建筑检测
2019.11易智瑞杯中国大学生GIS软件开发竞赛地理设计组三等奖, 基于腾讯位置数据的南昌市居民活动凝聚结构与功能区划研究
2019.11易智瑞杯中国大学生GIS软件开发竞赛地理设计组三等奖, 基于ArcGIS Pro深度学习的城市新增建筑识别
2019.11易智瑞杯中国大学生GIS软件开发竞赛地理设计组优胜奖, 基于腾讯位置数据的南昌市交通拥堵及商圈辐射模式研究
2018.11易智瑞杯中国大学生GIS软件开发竞赛地理设计组优胜奖, 基于腾讯位置数据的南昌市居民出行热度分析
2012.09首届全国大学生GIS应用技能大赛优秀指导老师奖, 中国地理信息业协会/教育部地理科学类教学指导委员会
通信地址: 江西省南昌市紫阳大道99号
办公地点: 瑶湖校区方荫楼2区(地理与环境学院)
邮 编: 330022
Email: hubisong624@126.com, hubisong@jxnu.edu.cn
研究方向为空间分析、空间统计、疾病传播建模、公共卫生、空间流行病学、环境健康等, 欢迎地图学与地理信息系统、人文地理专业研究生加入团队.