序号 | 论文名称 | 作者 | 发表 日期 | 刊物名称 |
1 | 干旱胁迫对芦竹茎秆萌发和幼苗生长的影响 | 曹昀 | 2012,19(2) | 水土保持研究 |
2 | 沉水植物恢复的透明度条件研究 | 曹昀 | 2012,40(3) | 安徽农业科学 |
3 | Spatiotemporal variation in alpine grassland phenology in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau from 1999 to 2009 | 丁明军 | 2012 | chinese science bulletin |
4 | Lake change and its implication in the vicinity of Mt. Qomolangma (Everest), central high Himalayas, 1970–2009 | 丁明军 | 2012 | Environment Earth Science |
5 | Heavy metal enrichment in the soil along the Delhi–Ulan section of the Qinghai–Tibet railway in China | 丁明军 | 2012 | Environmental Monitoring and Assessment |
6 | 近10年青藏高原高寒草地物候时空变化特征分析 | 丁明军 | 2012 | 科学通报 |
7 | Spatial-temporal characteristics of epidemic spread in-out flow—Using SARS epidemic in Beijing as a case study | 胡碧松 | 2012 | Science China Earth Sciences |
8 | Exploring the epidemic transmission network of SARS in-out flow in mainland China | 胡碧松 | 2012 | Chinese Science Bulletin |
9 | 鄱阳湖沙山土壤养分特征与植被恢复方向探讨 | 胡启武 | 2012/3 | 土壤通报 |
10 | Vertical microbiological variation of a coastal aquifer in southern China | 黄小兰 | 2012/4 | Water Science & Technology |
11 | 小流域地下水与地表水微生物组成结构差异及 其成因分析 | 黄小兰 | 2012/9 | 中国环境科学 |
12 | The low carbon development (LCD) levels’ evaluation of the world’s 47 countries (areas) by combining the FAHP with the TOPSIS method | 贾俊松 | 2012/7 | Expert Systems with Applications |
13 | Chronology and provenance of aeolian sediments from Poyang Lake area in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River in China | 贾玉连 | 2012 | Quaternary Geochronology |
14 | Luminescence chronology for late Quaternary lake levels of enclosed Huangqihai lake in East Asian monsoon marginal area in northern China | 贾玉连 | 2012 | Quaternary Geochronology |
15 | 黄旗海湖泊沉积记录的早中全新世大湖期环境的 差异性 | 贾玉连 | 2012 /4 | 沉积学报 |
16 | Holocene evolution of Huangqihai Lake in semi-arid northern China based on sedimentology and luminescence dating | 贾玉连 | 2011/8 | The Holocene |
17 | 淀粉粒分析揭示的赣江中游地区新石器晚期人类对植物的利用情况 | 蒋梅鑫 | 2012/10 | 中国科学: 地球科学 |
18 | The Temporal and Spatial Pattern of Wastewater Discharge in China | 蒋梅鑫 | 2012/9 | 国际会议论文集(CEPPH 2012) |
19 | Retrieving Leaf Area Index and Extinction Coefficient of Dominant Vegetation Canopy in Meijiang Watershed of China Using ETM+ Data | 赖格英 | 2012/7 | The 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering |
20 | Abundance Extraction of End-members of Forest Based on Linear Mixed Model-A Case Study of Meijiang Basin | 赖格英 | 2012/7 | The 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering |
21 | SWAT模型的开发与应用进展及评述 | 赖格英 | 2012/3 | 河海大学学报 (自然科学版) |
22 | Estimation and Spatial Distribution of the Potential Load of Three-Yellow Chicken Feces in Meijiang Watershed in China | 赖格英 | 2012/10 | Proceedings of 2012 International Symposium on Geomatics for Integrated Water Resources Management |
23 | Extract Forest Information Using the Mixed End-members from Images and Field Survey Data | 赖格英 | 2012/10 | Proceedings of 2012 International Symposium on Geomatics for Integrated Water Resources Management |
24 | Spectrum Classification of Easily Confused Ground Objects in ALI Remote Sensing Image Based on Texture Features | 赖格英 | 2012 | Advanced Materials Research |
25 | 基于线性混合模型的丘陵山区植被丰度遥感信息提取研究——以江西梅江流域为例 | 赖格英 | 2012/4 | 江西科学 |
26 | 湿地生态脆弱性研究综述 | 刘影 | 2012/2 | 江西科学 |
27 | Evolution Analysis Based on ESDA about the Spatial Pattern of COD, SO2 and TSP Emissions in China[C].USA:Scientific Research Publishing,2012:63-66 | 刘影 | 2012 | Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health(CEPPH, 2013,上海). |
28 | 师范院校环境教育的实践研究 | 卢成芳 | 2012/10 | 知识窗(教育版) |
29 | Design of Data Sharing and Exchange Interface of Telecom Enterprise Marketing Management System | 罗津 | 2012/8 | 2012 International Conference on Future Computer Supported Education |
30 | The Origin of Building GIS Software Development Model | 罗津 | 2012/8 | 2012 International Conference on Future Computer Supported Education |
31 | Analysis of Building-up Software Engineering | 罗津 | 2012/12 | 2012 Third International Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science |
32 | The Proposing of GIS-oriented Building-up Workflow Technology | 罗津 | 2012/12 | 2012 Third International Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science |
33 | Business Enterprise Marketing Management under Support of GIS | 罗津 | 2011/12 | 2011 International Conference on Physical Education and Society Management |
34 | Schematics map layout algorithm based on hopfield neural network | 罗津 | 2012/12 | 2012 Third International Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science |
35 | Research on Environment Geology Information System Based on GIS | 罗津 | 2012/11 | 2012 Asian Pacific Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (APEESD 2012) |
36 | 农村中学地理教学中人文教育现状及对策分析 | 倪才英 | 2012 | 教学与管理 |
37 | 鄱阳湖退田还湖生态补偿研究 | 倪才英 | 2012/4 | 江西师范大学学报 (自然版) |
38 | 中国著名的“风城” | 倪才英 | 2012/18 | 地理教学 |
39 | 土壤水力侵蚀的遥感信息模型研究—以江西省为例 | 齐述华 | 2012/4 | 武汉大学学报 (信息科学版) |
40 | 青藏高原植被降水利用效率的空间格局及其对 降水和气温的响应 | 齐述华 | 2012.12 | 植物生态学报 |
41 | 江西省安福县农村居民点空间分布变化及其 环境因素分析 | 舒晓波 | May-12 | 水土保持研究 |
42 | Determination of evaporation, transpiration and deep percolation of summer corn and winter wheat after irrigation | 王鹏 | 2012/10 | Agricultural Water Management |
43 | 鄱阳湖流域年降水时间序列的小波分析 | 王鹏 | 2012,32(1) | 水文 |
44 | 白洋淀渗漏对周边地下水的影响 | 王鹏 | Jun-12 | 水科学进展 |
45 | Emergency Decision System for Surface Gathering and Transporting of CBM Based on Technologies of 3G Wireless Video Monitoring and 3S | 吴建华 | 2012/9 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
46 | Water Environment Monitoring Information System Based on ASP.NET and ArcGIS Server | 吴建华 | 2012/11 | WCSE 2012, 6-8 November |
47 | Research on Management Methods and Applications for Sharing-Oriented Estate Surveying Data | 吴建华 | 2012/5 | FSKD 2012, 29-31 May 2012 |
48 | 基于数码相机与ArcGIS Server的实景GIS实现方法 | 吴建华 | 2012/1 | 测绘与空间地理信息 |
49 | A New Dynamic Form Component Oriented GIS Applications(原件未到) | 吴建华 | 2012/11 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
50 | 鄱阳湖典型湿地土壤有机碳分布及影响因子 | 吴琴 | 2012/2 | 生态学杂志 |
51 | 鄱阳湖典型苔草湿地生物量季节变化及固碳功能 评价 | 吴琴 | 2012/2 | 长江流域资源与环境 |
52 | An Extended Decision Making Method Based on User Profiles | 夏宇 | 2012/4 | Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, |
53 | A User-Oriented Approach to the Retrieval of Geospatial Data | 夏宇 | 2012,/1 | IEEE Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, |
54 | On the Application of User Profiles to Personalized System | 夏宇 | 2012 /3 | IEEE Computer Science and Service Sciences, |
55 | The Analysis of User Profile Models Based on Syntactic Information | 夏宇 | 2012/1 | IEEE Computer Science and Service Sciences, |
56 | On extension of decision making approaches under a complex environment | 夏宇 | 2012/8 | WIT Transactions on engineering Sciences |
57 | 浅谈中学地理高效课堂的构建 | 叶滢 | 2012/7 | 中学地理教学参考 |
58 | 浅析中学地理课堂问题行为产生的因素 | 叶滢 | 2012/7 | 中学地理教学参考 |
59 | 刍议新时期下高校社团内涵式发展模式 ——以蓝天环保社团为例 | 张敬伟 | 41214 | 家教世界 |
60 | 浅析中国传统价值观与社会主义核心价值观的 内在联系 | 张敬伟 | 41244 | 高考 |
61 | 地理空间信息服务质量评价概念与方法的研究 | 章汉武 | 2012/01 | 测绘科学 |
62 | 鄱阳湖湖沼型血吸虫病亚类疫区特征调查分析 | 赵安 | 2012/9 | 中国人兽共患病学报 |
63 | 留守学生与非留守学生的血防知识、态度和行为 比较分析 | 赵安 | 2012 | 中国血吸虫病防治 杂志 |
64 | 江西省南昌县血吸虫病感染率时空格局演化研究 | 赵安 | 2012/3 | 中国血吸虫病防治 杂志 |
65 | 基于ILWIS软件的GIS概论研究性学习教改方案 | 赵安 | 2012/6 | 中国教育技术装备 |
66 | 基于GIS的南昌县血吸虫病疫情聚集区域综合探测研究 | 赵安 | 2012/5 | 中国血吸虫病防治 杂志 |
67 | Land Use/Cover Change Spatial Patterns and their Impact on Sediment Charge in the Longchuan River Catchment, South-western China | 赵红梅 | 2012 | International Journal of Remote Sensing |
68 | 基于空间联系的城市腹地范围划分 | 钟业喜 | 2012/5 | 地理科学 |
69 | 江西省农村居民收入时空差异及其影响因素 | 钟业喜 | 2012/5 | 经济地理 |
70 | 红三角经济圈人口与经济空间分布关系研究 | 钟业喜 | 2012/1 | 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版) |
71 | 鄱阳湖生态经济区城镇空间结构分形研究 | 钟业喜 | 2012/4 | 江西师范大学学报(自然科学版) |
72 | An Analysis of Regional Social Public ServicesDevelopment Difference in Jiangxi Province | 钟业喜 | 2012/3 | 国际会议论文集(EBM2012) |
73 | Research on Spatial-Temporal Difference of Pesticides andFertilizers Inputs in Farmland at County Level in Jiangxi Province | 钟业喜 | 2012/9 | 国际会议论文集(CEPPH 2012) |
74 | The Analysis on Regional Disparity of Economic Growth in Fuzhou City based on Shift-Shared Method | 钟业喜 | 2012/9 | 国际会议论文集(WBM2012) |
75 | 基于交通通达性的江西省设区市经济联系分析 | 钟业喜 | 2012/2 | 热带地理 |
76 | 欠发达民族地区人口与经济空间分布关系研究 | 钟业喜 | 2012/3 | 国土与自然资源研究 |
77 | 鄱阳湖生态经济区A级旅游景区空间结构研究 | 钟业喜 | 2012(6) | 江西师范大学学报(自然科学版) |
78 | Sulfur dioxide emission reduction potential of Changsha -Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration | 朱小娟 | 2012/6 | Advances in Enviromnaental Science and Engineering |
79 | Overview of Three-dimensional Geological Modeling Technology | 俎晓芳 | 2012/8 | 2012 International Conference on Future Computer Supported Education |
80 | 3D modeling of tunnel engineering based on geological body | 俎晓芳 | 2012/8 | 2012 International Conference on Future Computer Supported Education |
81 | Application of Advanced Geology Prediction Methods in Tunnel Engineering Geology-- Taking the Geological Condition of the Huang Qi Highway Tunnel of Anhui Province as an Example | 俎晓芳 | 2012/12 | 2012 Third International Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science |
82 | Study on the Synthetic 3D Modeling of the Tunnel and the Surrounding Geological Body | 俎晓芳 | 2012/12 | 2012 Third International Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science |
83 | Preliminary Study of the Geological Disaster Modeling in the Three-Dimensional Tunnel Project | 俎晓芳 | 2012/11 | 2012 Asian Pacific Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (APEESD 2012) |
84 | GIS-based Alerting and Control System Design of Geological Disaster in Jiangxi Province | 俎晓芳 | 2012/11 | 2012 Asian Pacific Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (APEESD 2012) |