姓 名: | 林珲
|  | 性 别: | 男
| 出生年月: | 1954.5
| 最后学历: | 博士
| 职 称: | 教授
职务、兼职、荣誉称号 1993年加入香港中文大学,曾担任香港中文大学地理与资源学系陈述彭地球信息科学教授和太空与地球信息科学研究创所所长。2019年8月,林珲出任江西师范大学地理与环境学院院长。 目前,林珲还担任了中国国家航天局绕月探测科学专家委员会以及国家空间科学专家委员会委员,同时担任联合国亚太经社会遥感、GIS、卫星导航工作组香港联络处负责人以及联合国教科文组织世界遗产空间中心科学委员会委员。于2012年起担任国际数字地球学会中国国家委员会副主席。 主要教育经历: 1976-1980年,武汉测绘科技大学,航空摄影测量专业; 1980-1983年,中国科学院,地图学与遥感专业,理学硕士学位; 1986-1987年,美国布法罗大学,地理信息系统专业,文理学院硕士学位; 1988-1992年,美国布法罗大学地理信息与分析国家中心(NCGIA),地理信息系统专业,博士学位; 主要研究方向: 大型基础设施健康诊断的InSAR遥感方法、基于虚拟地理环境实验的地理知识工程、基于虚拟环境的心理学实验方法、空间信息技术在人文学与社会科学中的应用。 获奖情况: 1980年代初期率先在国内大型水电工程的水库淹没调查中采用卫星遥感与GIS技术,成果为当时我国最大水电工程二滩电站工程采用,获中国科学院科技成果一等奖; 2009年因组织珠江三角洲环境综合遥感获亚洲遥感协会杰出贡献奖; 因参与南海及邻近海域藻华形成演变过程机制与遥感监测方法研究获2013年广东省科学技术一等奖; 2014年因面向地理实验的虚拟地理环境理论与方法研究获教育部自然科学二等奖; 2017年因虚拟地理环境理论与方法研究获美国地理学家协会米勒奖。 主要论文、论著 林珲、施迅,2017, 地理信息科学前沿(Frontiers in Geoinformatics),高等教育出版社 Zhang Hongsheng, Lin Hui, Zhang Yuanzhi and Weng Qihao, 2015, Remote Sensing of Impervious Surfaces in Tropical and Subtropical Areas, CRC. 陈富龙、林珲、程世来,2013, 星載雷達干涉測量及時間序列分析的原理方法與應用,科学出版社。 Chen, Jinsong, Lin Hui, Shao Yun, 2010, Microwave Remote Sensing for Agricultural Applications, Science Press. Kong Yunfeng and Hui Lin, 2005,Analysis, Design and Management of GIS, Science Press, Beijing, 254p. (in Chinese) Zhu, Qing and Hui Lin, 2004,Cyber City Geographic Information Systems, Wuhan University Press. (in Chinese) Liao, Mingsheng and Hui Lin, 2003, Synthetic Apertue Radar Interferometry, Surveying & Mapping Press, Beijing. (in Chinese) Liu, X., Hui Lin, H. Zhang, 2003,Virtual City Development: Principle and Methods, Science Press. (in Chinese) Cheng, JC, Q Li, Hui Lin, B Dong, S Xia, 2002, Digital City: Theory, Methods, and Applications, Science Press, Beijing. (in Chinese) Cheng, J., Hui Lin, YM Yeung, 2001, Regional Sustainable Development in An Informational Society, The Commercial Press. ((in Chinese) Gong, Jianhua and Hui Lin, 2000, Virtual Geographical Environment, Higher Education Press, Beijing. (in Chinese) Lin, Hui and G. Lu,1999, Modeling the Tidal and Wave System of the East China Sea, Science Press, Beijing.(in Chinese) Cheng, J.C., Hui Lin, C. Zhou, S. Zeng,1999, Introduction to the Digital Earth, Science Press, Beijing. (in Chinese) Dong, Na, Zhen Liu, Ming Luo, Chaoyang Fang, and Hui Lin*, 2019, The Effects of Anthropogenic Land Use Changes on Climate in China Driven by Global Socioeconomic and Emission Scenarios, Earth’s Future, doi.org/10.1029/2018EF000932 Shi,Guoqiang, Hui Lin*, Dr.; Roland Bürgmann, Dr.; Peifeng Ma, Dr.; Jili Wang; Yuzhou Liu, 2019, Early Soil Consolidation from Magnetic Extensometers and Full Resolution SAR Interferometry over Highly Decorrelated Reclaimed Lands, Remote Sensing of Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2019.111231 Ma, Peifeng, Weixi Wang, Bowen Zhang, Jili Wang, Guoqiang Shi, Guangqing Huang,Fulong Chen, Liming Jiang, Hui Lin*, 2019, Remotely sensing large- and small-scale ground subsidence: A case study of the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area of China, Remote Sensing of Environment, 232 (2019) 111282, doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2019.111282 Mary Joy C. Buitre, Hongsheng Zhang,* and Hui Lin,2019,The Mangrove Forests Change and Impacts from Tropical Cyclones in the Philippines Using Time Series Satellite Imagery,Remote Sensing, 2019, 11, 688; doi:10.3390/rs11060688 Liu, Yuzhou, Peifeng Ma,* Hui Lin, WeixiWang, and Guoqiang Shi, 2019, Distributed Scatterer InSAR Reveals Surface Motion of the Ancient Chaoshan Residence Cluster in the Lianjiang Plain, China, Remote Sensing, 2019, 11, 166; doi:10.3390/rs11020166. 胡传博; 游兰; 林珲, 2018, 面向过程的城市公共安全风险监测评估建模方法,测绘学报,pp.1062-1071. LIN,Hui, YOU Lan, HU Chuanbo, CHEN Min,2018,Prospect of Geo-Knowledge Engineering in the Era of Spatio-Temporal Big Data,时空大数据时代的地理知识工程展望,武汉大学学报(信息科学版),Vol.43, No.12, pp:2205-2211, DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20180318. 林珲,张鸿生,林殷怡,魏珊,吴志峰,2018,基于城市不透水面-人口关联的粤港澳大湾区人口密度时空分异规律于特征,地理科学进展,Vol.37, No.12, 1644-1652. 张帆, 胡明远, 林珲. 2018, '大数据背景下的虚拟地理认知实验方法.' 测绘学报47.8: 1043-1050. Xu, Ru, Hui Lin, Yihe Lü, Ying Luo, Yanjiao Ren and Alexis Comber*, 2018, A Modified Change Vector Approach for Quantifying Land Cover Change, Remote Sensing, 2018, 10, 1578; doi:10.3390/rs10101578 Zhang, Fan, Ding Zhang, Yu Liu, and Hui Lin,* 2018, Representing locale of place using scene elements, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (CEUS), Volume 71, September 2018, Pages 153-164. Dong, N., You, L., Cai, W., Li, G., & Lin, H.* (2018). Land use projections in China under global socioeconomic and emission scenarios: Utilizing a scenario-based land-use change assessment framework. Global Environmental Change, 50, 164-177. Zhang, Hongsheng, Ting Wang, Mingfeng Liu, Mingming Jia, Hui Lin*, LM Chu, and Adam Thomas Devlin, 2018, Potential of combining optical and dual polarimetric SAR data for improving mangrove species discrimination using rotation forest, Remote Sensing, 10,467; doi:10.3390/rs10030467. Zhang, Hongsheng, Hui Lin*, Yunpeng Wang, 2018, A new scheme for urban impervious surface classification from SAR images, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 139, 103-118. Li,Gang,Hui Lin*, Qinghua Ye, 2018, 'Heterogeneous decadal glacier downwasting at the Mt. Everest (Qomolangma) from 2000 to ~2012 based on multi-baseline bistatic SAR interferometry, Remote Sensing of Environment, 206 (2018) 336-349. Zhang, Hongsheng, Jiang Li, Ting Wang, Hui Lin*, Zechong Zheng, Yu Li, Yufeng, Lu, 2018, A manifold learning approach to urban land cover classification with optical and radar data, Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol.172 (2018), pp.11-24. Chen, Min, Hui Lin, 2017, Virtual geographic environments (VGEs): originating from orBeyond virtual reality (VR)?, International Journal of Digital Earth, https://doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2017.1419452 Lin, Hui and Peifeng Ma, 2017,Urban infrastructural health diagnosis with satellite-terrestrial sensing technologies, Annals of GIS, Vol.23, No.2, pp.71-78. Lin, Hui, G. Li, L. Cuo, A. Hooper, Q. Ye, 2017, A decreasing glacier mass balance gradient from the edge of the Upper Tarim Basin to the Karakoram during 2000-2014, Scientific Reports, Jul 27, 7(1):6712, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-07133-8. Lin, Hui, MA Peifeng, WANG Weixi, 2017, Urban Infrastructure Health Monitoring with Spaceborne Multi-temporal Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry, Acta Geodaeticaet Cartographica Sinica, 2017,46 (10), pp.1421-1433 DOI:10.11947/j.AGCS. (in Chinese) Zhang, Chunxiao, Lin Hui, Chen Min, Zheng Xinqi, Li Rongrong, Ding Yulin, 2017, A modelling system with adjustable emission inventories for cross-boundary air quality management in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta, China, Computers Environment and Urban Systems, Vol.62, 2017.3, pp. 222-232 Li, Gang, and Hui Lin*, 2017, Recent decadal glacier mass balances over the Western Nyainqentanglha Mountains and the increase in their melting contribution to NamCo Lake measured by differential bistatic SAR interferometry, Global and Planetary Change, 149 (2017) 177–190. Ding, Yulin, Hui LIN*, Rongrong LI, 2017, Change semantic constrained online data cleaning method for real-time observational data stream, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLI-B2, doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-XLI-B2-177-2016 Wei, Ting , Wenjie Dong, John Moore, Qing Yan, Yi Song, Zhiyong Yang, Wenping Yuan, Jieming Chou, Xuefeng Cui, Xiaodong Yan, Zhigang Wei, Yan Guo, Shili Yang, Di Tian, Pengfei Lin, Song Yang, Zhiping Wen, Hui Lin, Min Chen, Guolin Feng, Yundi Jiang, Xian Zhu, Juan Chen, Xin Wei, Wen Shi, Zhiguo Zhang, Juan Dong, Yexin Li & Deliang Chen, 2016, Quantitative estimation of the climatic effects of carbon transferred by international trade, Scientific Report, doi:10.1038/srep28046. Wang, Hongshuo, Hui Lin*, Darla Munroe, Xiaodong Zhang, Pengfei Liu, 2016, Reconstructing rice phenology curves with frequency-based analysis and multi-temporal NDVI in double-cropping area in Jiangsu, China, Front. Earth Sci. 10(2):292-302. 林珲; 张春晓; 陈旻; 郑新奇, 2016, 论虚拟地理环境对地理知识的表达与共享, 遥感学报,(05). Pp1290-1298. Zhang, Hongsheng,Hui Lin*, Yu Li, Yuanzhi Zhang and Chaoyang Fang. 2016, Mapping urban impervious surface with dual-polarimetric SAR data: An improved method. Landscape and Urban Planning. 2016, Vol. 151, Pages 55–63 (Impact factor: 3.307; Ranking: 1/39)
主持项目: 1、2015 GRF $719,992 Sensing Urban Space: Correlation Analysis between Spatial Variables and Psychological State for Visual Quality Assessment 2、2016 ITF$469,200 Trail: Development of comprehensive methodologies for paddy rice yield monitoring using ENVISAT ASAR data. 3、2016 GRF$450,432 Mapping High Mountain Asia glacier dynamics with bistatic interferometry and SAR imagery classification 4、2016 ITF$3,448,000 Trail Project for “Build and operate a ground receiving station of the ENVISAT remote sensing satellite for all-weather environmental monitoring (ITT/017/16LP) 5、2017 NSFC *+¥650,000 Building urban perception space based on deep learning 6、2018 GRF$421,614 Re-analysing multi-platform observed glacier mass balance by using coupled weather and glacier energy & mass balance model in the Eastern Nyainqêntanglha 7、2018 ITF $4,351,797.80 Trail: Continuous land cover change monitoring using high-resolution SAR images for Hong Kong (ITT/016/18LP) 8、2018 CNSF ¥3,590,000 基于大数据的海陆气环境预警预报关键技术(课题4) 9、2019 $5,124,000 AoE: Centre for Slope Safety(CUHK Co-PI for task A2) 联系方式 通信地址:江西省南昌市紫阳大道99号 办公地点:瑶湖校区方荫楼2区(地理与环境学院) 邮 编: 330022 Email:huilin@cuhk.edu.hk