姓 名: 田野
性 别: 男
职 称:讲师
联系方式:Ye.Tian@jxnu.edu.cn Yetian92@mit.edu
(1)讲 师-2022 江西师范大学,地理与环境学院
(2)研究助理-2021 麻省理工学院,城市感知实验室
(3)研究助理-2020 佐治亚大学,研究生院
(4)研究助理-2019 美国陆军工程师团,环保部等机构
(5)教学助理-2018-2020 佐治亚大学,地理系
(6)研究助理-2017-2018 佐治亚大学,研究生院
(7)研究助理-2015-2017 中国科学院空天信息研究院
(8)研究助理-2013-2014 中国教育部大学生国家科技创新项目
地理信息科学, 城市形态学,地理时空大数据建模,公共环境健康,人与环境的交互系统等
(1)Dissertation Completion Award, 佐治亚大学 2021
(2)Graduate Education Advancement Board Fellowship, 佐治亚大学 2021
(3)Summer Doctoral Research Assistantship, 佐治亚大学 2020
(4)Innovative and Interdisciplinary Research Grant,佐治亚大学 2020
(5)最佳论文 (二等奖), 遥感组学生论文竞赛, AAG 2019
(6)Graduate School Research Assistantship Block Grants,佐治亚大学 2017
(7)校级三好学生,中国科学院大学 2015
(8)国家奖学金, 中国教育部 (前1%) 2013
(9)宝钢优秀奖学金,上海宝钢集团 (前3%) 2012
(10)国家奖学金,中国教育部 (前1%) 2011
(11)专业一等奖学金,西北农林科技大学 (前5%) 2011
(1)Ye Tian*, Priyanka deSouza, Simone Mora, Xiaobai Yao, Fabio Duarte, Leslie K Norford, Carlo Ratti, Hui Lin. (2021). “Characterizing synergic effects of meteorological factors on the urban form-air quality relationship through mobile monitoring”. Environmental Science & Technology. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.1c04854 . (中科院一区,IF:9.028)
(2)Ye Tian, Xiaobai Yao*, Liding Chen. (2019). “Analysis of Spatial and Seasonal Distributions of Air Pollutants by Incorporating Urban Morphological Characteristics”. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2019.01.003 (中科院一区,IF:5.324)
(3)Yi Zhou, Chenxi Lin*, Shixin Wang, Wenliang Liu, Ye Tian. (2016). “Estimation of building density with the integrated use of GF-1 PMS and Radarsat-2 data”, Remote Sensing. DOI: 10.3390/rs8110969 (中科院二区,IF:4.509)
(4)Ye Tian, Xiaobai Yao*, Lan Mu, Qinjin Fan, Yijun Liu (2020). “ Integrating meteorological factors for better understanding of the urban form-air quality relationship”. Landscape Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s10980-020-01094-6 (中科院二区,IF: 3.848)
(5)Ye Tian*, Xiaobai Yao. (2021). “Urban Form, Traffic Volume, and Air Quality: A Spatiotemporal Stratified Approach”. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science DOI:10.1177/2399808321995822 (中科院二区,IF: 3.619)
(6)Shixin Wang, Ye Tian*, Yi Zhou, Wenliang Liu, Chenxi Lin. (2016). “Fine-Scale Population Estimation by 3D Reconstruction of Urban Residential Buildings”, Sensors, DOI: 10.3390/s16 101755. (中科院二区,IF: 3.576)
(7)Ye Tian*, Shixin Wang, Yi Zhou, Wenliang Liu, Chenxi Lin. (2016). “Urban building height estimation from Radarsat-2 imagery, a case study in Beijing, China”, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2016 IEEE International, pp.1066-1069. DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2016.77 29270 (EI收录会议)
(8)Shixin Wang, Ye Tian*, Yi Zhou, Wenliang Liu, Chenxi Lin. (2017). “Building height extraction from multi-polarization SAR imagery based on backscattering model”, Remote Sensing for Land and Resources. DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2017.02.06 (IF: 1.213)
(9)Chenxi Lin*, Yi Zhou, Shixin Wang, Wenliang Liu, Ye Tian, Yannan Zhang. (2016). “Variogram-based rural build-up area extraction from middle and high resolution SAR images”, Journal of image and Graphics. DOI: 10.11834/jig.20160515 (IF: 1.098)
(1)American Association of Geography (AAG) (Online) 2021
(2)University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) 2021
(3)American Association of Geography (AAG), Washington, D.C, U.S. 2019
(4)American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, CA U.S. 2019
(5)Urban Environmental Sustainability in a Smart and Connected World, GA U.S. 2018
(6)American Association of Geography (AAG), New Orleans, U.S. 2018
(7)Interactive Research & Ideas Symposium, Athens, Georgia, U.S. 2018
(6)IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Beijing, China 2016
(7)第20届中国遥感大会,深圳,中国. 2016
(1)Session chair of GIS DAY at the University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, U.S. 2018
(2)IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Beijing, China 2016
(3)一带一路对地观测国际论坛, 北京,中国 2016
(4)The 2nd Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) Science Conference, China 2016