李 启悦个人简历 1991年1月生, 博士,讲师,研究生导师 |
2022年至今,江西师范大学地理与环境学院,讲师, 硕士生导师
1. Qiyue Li, Zhong, J, Wang, J, Zhong, Y, Lai, G,...Public Concern of Fishing and Conservation Under the ‘Ten‐Year Fishing Ban’ Policy: Implications to Action Planning for Riverine Cetaceans. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2025.(第一作者)
2. Qiyue Li, Zhao, J, Huang, S, Wang, J, Zhong, Y. Lai, G, Feng, X...Charismatic, but not attractive: bringing attention to the conservation of freshwater cetaceans, Biodiversity and Conservation, 2024. (第一作者)
3. Qiyue Li, Deng, Mingming, Li, Wenya, Pan, Yue, Lai Geying, Liu Ying, Adam Thomas Devlin. Habitat configuration of the Yangtze finless porpoise in Poyang Lake under a shifting hydrological regime, Science of The Total Environment, 2022. (第一作者)
4. Qiyue Li, Wenya Li, Geying Lai *, Ying Liu, Adam Thomas Devlin. Identifying high stranding risk areas of the Yangtze finless porpoise via remote sensing and hydrodynamic modeling, Remote Sensing, 2022. (第一作者)
5. Deng, Mingming, Qiyue Li, Wenya Li, Geying Lai,Yue Pan. Impacts of Sand Mining Activities on the Wetland Ecosystem of Poyang Lake (China), Land, 2022. (共同一作)
6. Qiyue Li, Geying Lai, Ying Liu, Adam Thomas Devlin, Shupin Zhan. Identifying the seasonal characteristics of likely habitats for the Yangtze finless porpoise in Poyang Lake, Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2022. (第一作者)
7. Qiyue Li, Geying Lai, Ying Liu, Adam Thomas Devlin, Shupin Zhan. Assessing the impact of the proposed Poyang Lake hydraulic project on the Yangtze finless porpoise habitat and the nursing areas for its calves, Ecological Indicators, 2021. (第一作者)
8. Fei Hu, Qiyue Li, Xiaofeng Dai, Zhaojun Li. Impact of continuous low water stage on the breeding environment of Oncomelania hupensis: a case study of Poyang Lake area in China. Infectious Disease of Poverty, 2020. (共同一作)
9. Qiyue Li, Xiaofeng Dai, Ying Liu, Geying Lai, Identifying the potential spawning grounds of phytophilic fish in Poyang Lake under the shifting hydrological regime, Fisheries Management and Ecology, 2022 (第一作者)
10. Qiyue Li, Geying Lai, Adam Thomas Devlin. A review on the driving forces of water decline and its impacts on the environment in Poyang Lake, China. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 2021. (第一作者)
11. Geying Lai, Jingjing Luo, Qiyue Li, Lin Qiu. Modification and validation of the SWAT model based on multi-plant growth mode, a case study of the Meijiang River Basin, China. Journal of Hydrology, 2020. (第三作者)
12. Fei Hu, Jun Ge, Chunfang Lu, Qiyue Li. Obtaining elevation of Oncomelania Hupensis habitat based on Google Earth and it's accuracy evaluation: an example from the Poyang lake region, China. Scientific Reports, 2020. (第四作者)
1. 国家自然科学基金:鄱阳湖枯水期长江江豚分布对环境梯度的响应及搁浅风险研究,在研,主持,2025—2027;
2. 江西省自然科学基金:鄱阳湖枯水期长江江豚保护重点区域生境风险评价及修复研究,在研,主持,2024—2026;
3. 江西省本科高校教育教学改革研究课题:“大中小一体化”视域下新时代生态文明教育实践路径研究—以探索鄱阳湖为例,在研,主持,2025—2028;
4. 国家自然科学基金:水文情势变化背景下基于耦合水动力-水质-物种分布模型的鄱阳湖长江江豚生境研究,在研,第二参与人,2022—2025;
5. 江西师范大学博士启动基金项目,在研,主持,2023-2026;
6. 江西省水生生态系统保护横向课题3项,在研,主持,课题经费超100万。

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Email: wadelee19@outlook.com,qiyueli@jxnu.edu.cn