会议通知 ▏第26届亚洲大城市校际研讨会会议通知(第一号)


Conference Announcement ▏The 26th Inter-University Symposium on Asian Megacities (First Circular)


26th Inter-University Symposium on Asian Megacities

Collaborative Governance and High-Quality Development of Asian Megacities

September 20-22, 2025

Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China

Jiangxi Normal University


  • Conference Overview

The 26th Inter-University Symposium on Asian Megacities (IUSAM) will be held in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China, from September 20 to September 22, 2025. The conference is hosted by the School of Geography and Environment, Jiangxi Normal University, and co-organized by the Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Wetland and Watershed Research (Ministry of Education), HIST Nanchang Sub-Center and the Editorial Office of Computational Urban Science. The theme of the conference is “Collaborative Governance and High-Quality Development of Asian Megacities”. The symposium will invite renowned scholars in related fields to deliver keynote speeches and facilitate expert discussions.

 The Inter-University Symposium on Asian Megacities (IUSAM) is an international academic conference initiated at the end of the last century by the faculties of planning, landscape, architecture, and other related disciplines of renowned universities in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, as well as in Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Russia and other countries. The first IUSAM was held in Tokyo, Japan, in 1996.Since then, the conference has been held annually in rotation by prestigious universities from these countries and regions, establishing it as a key annual event for architecture and planning faculties of distinguished Asian universities. Over the past 28 years, these universities have maintained continuous collaboration, nurturing and training a significant number of outstanding students.

 The conference aims to address issues related to the development, research, and practice of Asian megacities. It provides opportunities for university students, primarily postgraduate students, to engage in cross-border and inter-school learning and exchange. Additionally, the conference will facilitate the sharing and discussion of the latest developments in urban planning, construction research, and practice across various Asian countries and regions. Scholars interested in urban development and international collaboration are invited to attend and participate in this innovative symposium and exchange. This includes experts, professionals, and students in fields such as geography, ecology, sociology, economics, urban planning and design, and architecture. The conference is expected to accommodate 150 participants, including experts and scholars from nine countries and regions: China, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, Mongolia, and Malaysia. Among them, there will be 100 domestic scholars and 50 international scholars.

  • Date and Venue

Date: September 20–22, 2025

Venue: Jiangxi Normal University (Yaohu Campus), No. 99 Ziyang Avenue, High-Tech District, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China.

  • Organizers


 School of Geography and Environment, Jiangxi Normal University

 School of Urban Construction, Jiangxi Normal University

 Working Committee on Spatial Integrated Humanities and Social Sciences, Chinese Geographical Society

 Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Wetland and Watershed Research (Ministry of Education)

 Poyang Lake Research Base of the International Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Sciences (CPGIS)

 UNESCO-HIST Nanchang Sub-Center

 Jiangxi Geographical Society

(Additional co-organizers to be confirmed)

Collaborating Journals:

 Journal of Geo-Information Science

 Computational Urban Science

 Annals of GIS

Continuously updated



The conference will invite renowned scholars from relevant fields, both domestically and internationally, to deliver keynote speeches at the forum.

  • Forum Themes and Call for Submissions

 The conference aims to foster innovation and collaboration in key research fields across the Asian region. It will focus on cutting-edge topics such as artificial intelligence, smart cities, ecological urban development, and transport infrastructure, with the goal of promoting regional sustainable development and addressing global challenges. The forum themes include, but are not limited to, artificial intelligence and urban development, advancements in smart city construction, ecological city development and practice, as well as urban culture and social participation. The forum will feature a combination of invited experts and open submissions for each topic, encouraging the exchange of collective insights. Experts interested in organizing forum topics are invited to contact the conference organizing committee.

  • Important Dates

  • May 1, 2025: Deadline for forum proposals

  • June 20, 2025: Second circular released

  • August 20, 2025: Deadline for abstract submission and early-bird registration

  • September 1, 2025: Third circular released

  • September 10, 2025: Deadline for full paper submission

  • September 20–22, 2025: Conference dates

  • Registration

Registration Link:The conference website link is currently under development.

 Participants are required to pay the conference registration fee.

**Registration fees cover conference materials, meals, and admission.

**Travel and accommodation expenses are not included.

  • Contact Information

School of Geography and Environment,

Jiangxi Normal University.

No. 99, Ziyang Avenue, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China.

Email: IUSAM2025@163.com

Details about the conference are continuously updated!

会议通知 ▏第26届亚洲大城市校际研讨会会议通知(第一号)

  • 会议简介

由江西师范大学地理与环境学院主办,鄱阳湖湿地与流域研究教育部重点实验室、HIST南昌分中心、Computational Urban Science国际期刊编辑部等单位承办的“第二十六届亚洲大城市校际研讨会”定于2025920-22日在江西南昌举办,大会主题:亚洲大城市协同治理与高质量发展(Collaborative Governance and High-Quality Development of Asian Megacities,将邀请相关领域知名学者做论坛主题报告,并组织专家进行交流研讨。

亚洲大城市校际研讨会(Inter-University Symposium on Asian Megacities,IUSAM)是一个由中国大陆、香港和台湾地区以及日本、韩国、菲律宾、俄罗斯等国家知名高校的规划、景观、建筑等相关专业学院于上个世纪末发起的国际学术会议。第一届IUSAM1996年在日本东京召开,之后每年一次的年会由来自上述国家和地区的知名高校轮办,已成为亚洲各知名高校建筑与规划专业学院的年度盛事。28年来各大高校联手耕耘不缀,锻炼和培养了大批优秀学子。


  • 时间与地点



  • 组织单位











Computational Urban science

Annals of GIS





  • 论坛专题征集


  • 重要日期

  • 202551日:论坛专题征集截止日期

  • 2025620日:会议二号通知

  • 2025820日:会议论文摘要提交及提前注册优惠截止日期

  • 202591日:会议三号通知

  • 2025910日:会议论文全文提交

  • 2025920-22日:会议日期

  • 会议注册




  • 联系方式


